On Saturday morning, two minutes past midnight, the Moon becomes Full in Scorpio
as it moves opposite the Sun in Taurus, marking the Festival of Wesak. What makes
this Full Moon unique is its deep spiritual symbolism, celebrating the birth,
enlightenment and death of the Buddha, invoking the Buddha-nature of humanity.
More than a religious observation or new age gimmick, the Wesak Full Moon is an
annual event of profound spiritual significance that goes far beyond ones
personal affiliations and beliefs.
significance of the Wesak Moon centers on a time when an unusual amount of spiritual
energy is released into the material plane along with the increased receptivity
among individuals seeking enlightenment and an end to suffering. This weekend
favors meditation and contemplation, whether alone or among groups of like-minded
individuals, preferably at the exact time of the Full Moon (see Lunar Observer
for local times). If the Full Moon falls at an inconvenient time in your location,
the energy will remain strong 12 hours before and after the Full Moon reaches
Wesak Full Moon, falling across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, presents us with a seeming
contradiction in that these two signs represent materialism in the way of assets
(Taurus) and debts (Scorpio) whereas Wesak speaks of non-tangible, spiritual wealth
and the spirit of selflessness. Yet, these two themes arent wholly incompatible
as they represent a brief union of the spiritual and material world, infusing
and expanding planetary consciousness. As you might imagine, this event only holds
immediate significance for those who are receptive to an influx of spiritual illumination;
otherwise, this event will come and go without fanfare. The Wesak Full Moon should
therefore be seen more as an opportunity than an event.
timing this year is also impeccable as it unfolds in the midst of a number of
notable geocosmic movements occurring during the month of May. In addition to
the Full Wesak Moon pointing to a time of spiritual insight and upliftment, were
also in the midst of Mercury retrograde a time associated with contemplation
and mental rewiring. Saturn begins to station ahead of tuning direct next week,
representing structure and solidification while the triple conjunction of Jupiter,
Chiron and Neptune focuses on healing the collective wounds of separation that
hold us back from a state of grace. Taken together, this is an incredible time
for visualizing alternatives in order to move them closer to actualities.
mundane expression of the Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon illuminates the polarity between
assets and debts, of physical ownership and the psychological force of desire.
Taurus mundane definition includes talents, abilities, possessions and physical
assets. Scorpio has a strong association with the power of wealth (or lack thereof)
as well as utilizing the talents and resources of others through cooperation,
manipulation or coercion. That amorphous entity called The Economy is likely to
be front and center of the news cycle this weekend.
orientations to the Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon involve the notion of balance between
asset and debt as well as how the subject of money bleeds into other areas of
our lives. Stubborn attitudes, inability to compromise and a fondness of spending
money we dont have on things we dont need could point to deeper psychological
forces at work that have little or nothing to do with money. These themes are
suggested points of focus if you choose to enter into a more receptive, reflective
and contemplative mode this weekend. As Scorpio is also representative of intense
emotions, a centered state of being can be helpful in maintaining strength and
stability in the face of overwhelming emotional surges.
Tricksters and Thieves
that Mercury is retrograde through May 31, were apt to find the next several
weeks an interesting time as the communication thing operates outside of our usual
expectations. This is when Mercurys alter-ego, Hermes emerges as the god
of tricks and lies, thieves and travelers, commerce and communication when
everything that moves, flows and interacts grows strange. Any of these themes
are up for grabs through the rest of the month as we deal with confounded assumptions
and loss of faith in structures that typically offer a modicum of security.
will be interesting to see how Mercurys flow shifts when it retrogrades
back into Taurus on Wednesday until mid-June, particularly where finance is concerned.
Major initiatives involving money made while Mercury is retrograde in Taurus are
likely to come to naught, or be seen for what they are deceptive slight-of-hand
tricks. Things are certainly not what they seem and it behooves us to expect outcomes
that are just the opposite of what we would ordinarily expect.
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Paul Glynn is a professional astrologer with over 26 years experience in
both mundane and personal astrology and is available for consultation by appointment.
He can be reached by phone at (812) 333-1346 or e-mail